Governance at the college

Board members are volunteers essential in setting the college's strategic direction. The Board ensures accountability for using public funds by monitoring and evaluating the College’s performance.

The Board’s policy is to allow open access to as much information as possible about the Board's work, and I hope you will find what you need.

The  London South East Colleges Board (College Board) operates within the London & South East Education Group.

Board members are volunteers who play an essential part in setting the college's strategic direction. The Board ensures accountability for using public funds by monitoring and evaluating the College’s performance.

Putting students at the heart of governance is critical and is a key focus of the board's work.

The Board encourages the recruitment of Governors from all community sections, and applications are always welcomed from people of all cultural backgrounds with various skills and experience.

If you would like further information on the work of the Board or wish to make an application to become a Governor, then please get in touch with our Clerk, Jennifer Pharo at


Board minutes published by the College.


Governance information, including Articles of Association, Useful links and Financial Statements

The Corporation

The Corporation ensures accountability for using public funds by monitoring and evaluating the College’s performance.