This apprenticeship will lead to a career as an early years practitioner. Early Years Practitioners work in a range of private and public settings including; full day care, children’s centres, pre-schools, reception classes, playgroups, nursery schools, home-based provision, hospitals, social care settings, out-of-school environments and local authority provision to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 in both indoor and outdoor environments.Work and interact directly with children on a day-to-day basis supporting the planning of and delivery of activities. The broad purpose of the occupation is to work and interact directly with children on a day-to-day basis supporting the planning of and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programmes within the ethos of the setting. An EYP works as part of a professional team ensuring the welfare and care of children under the guidance and supervision of an Early Years Educator, teacher or other suitably qualified professional in the Early Years Workforce.

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Students helping in a nursery

Computing Foundation Degree Siddharth

I decided to stay local and stick with my familiar surroundings and the tutors who I know and trust so well.

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Level 1 Brickwork Jack

I've always wanted to work as a bricklayer I have a couple of family members who are in the building trade.

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Level 1 Business Nicole

I chose to study business because I felt it would give me the skills to step out and be my own person.  

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Student Support

Starting college can be a giant leap if you have just finished school or are returning to education after a few years. We will make this transition as easy as possible, providing all the support you need to settle in

Financial Support

We are committed to supporting students in order for them to overcome any financial barriers to learning.

Term Dates

Key term dates and opening times